Pimple emergency | Facial Studio in Chicago IL

I recently discovered a really cool product at Sephora called eradicate by Kate Sommerville. Fortunately it is not as expensive as her other products. It costs $22 and is really helpful when you need to dry out a pimple really fast. Remember though that this is just a temporary emergency fix that does not prevent pimples. You still have to be on an acne regimen which will control the majority of your break outs.

The best things to do when you feel a pimple is coming :

1. Wash your face with your non-comedogenic cleanser.

2. Ice the pimple for at least 2 minutes.

3. Pat dry and apply Mandelic Serum and Acne Cream.

4. With a q-tip apply a small amount of Eradikate by Kate Sommerville on the pimple only.

5. Take a doze of Optizinc and Dim Plus.

6. Get a good night of sleep.

This is the ritual I always do when I am about to break out and it helps significantly reduce the size and duration of the pimple. Hope it works as well for you too.

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