I breaking out and I don’t know what to do !

I don't know what to do !

” I’m an adult and still breaking out! I’m at my wits end! Nothing works and I am so frustrated! “

I hear something along these lines from most of my first time clients. And I really feel for them! I’ve suffered from acne my whole life so I can fully relate. Consequently I have devoted my career to managing acne prone skin and have achieved amazing results .Not bragging , I promise. Click here to check out our yelp reviews if you don’t believe me.

Here is how our program works:

  1. We analyze your skin and determine the type of acne you have. We discuss any allergies, sensitivities you have and current topicals that you are using.
  2. Based on that we recommend :
  • Treatment plan that consists of regular facials within the first few months . During those visits we clean your pores, apply antibacterial solutions, monitor your progress and adjust your regimen if needed. After your skin clears up significantly, you can come in for facials less often as a maintenance treatment .
  • Customized home care regimen . We have our own line #SKIN that is formulated specifically for our clients needs. Our products are strong enough, chosen based on your skin type and are non- comedogenic. We will give you the main rules for your ideal home regimen, so if you wanted to use another brand you would just have to comply with those rules. I am going to be honest here and please don’t take this as a sales pitch, but if you don’t use the right products at home and on a daily basis, you will get very very limited results. It’s sort of like getting personal training sessions , but not doing anything for the rest of the month or even worse – doing the wrong things on a daily basis and expecting to get in shape from that one training session a month. Chances are you will not be seeing results. Its the same when you work with skin and especially acne prone skin .
  • We will give you additional tips on everyday lifestyle choices that will help you along the way .

If you’re ready to take the first step on the road to clear skin click here to book your appointment. Your first facial includes a complimentary consultation.

” A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

Facial Studio Magdalena Black Logo in Chicago IL



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